Jota Tips

by: Mister Jota

An easy and practical way to invest in the market.

Mister Jota offers immediate solutions for building a consistent wealth according to the macroeconomic scenario.


Selected stock list

Selection of stocks that meet the stringent criteria of Mister Jota's team and indeed offer opportunities for appreciation.

Guide to start investing

Complete step-by-step guide with all the instructions for you to make the most of your subscription and put your investments into practice.

Exclusive Telegram Channel

With quick audio snippets you can listen to anywhere, Mister Jota comments on hot topics and shares important ideas for your money.

Periodic Reports

Every fifteen days, Jota brings you new market updates and investment opportunities. All in a practical way, without any financial jargon.

Doubt Desk

Every two weeks, you can get live clarification on the series' strategy directly from the analysts.

Jota Tips Signature

By: Jota

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What's Jota?

The Jota Tips is here to inform, educate, and enable action for an elite group of savvy investors—and those who wish to become such. 

Our goal is to achieve extraordinary gains for ourselves and those willing and able to take the risks and apply the discipline needed to speculate successfully.

Why follow our recommendations?"

All our analysts are trained internally by our company and have market experience. 

In other words, all our analysts live off their operations and recommend what we do in our own accounts, using their own capital.

How often will you publish new investment ideas?

Remember that we’re making the investments we write about. We’ll do that as often or as seldom as it takes to make only great investments.

We’d rather risk making our clients impatient than risk giving them a bad idea. 

The truth is that we’re going to take some lumps along the way, even with the best possible due diligence on every speculation.

Rushing that, or worse, compromising it in order to meet a publication deadline, makes for more losses and lower average gains. 

It’s simply not possible to have the best ideas ever on a regular, monthly basis. If anyone who tells you otherwise, run the other way—fast.

New clients should understand this from the start. There will be some editions of our monthly letter with no new investment ideas. 

This could even happen several times in a row. That’s your assurance that we’re not compromising our standards on what makes for a great speculation.

But you won’t get bored between new speculations. 

Every month, we’ll be keeping our clients updated on our existing ideas, analyzing the latest market data and investment trends, and educating them about the areas we’re speculating in. 

At heart, our services are as much educational as they are sources for investment ideas. We love what we do. It’s an adventure. 

Whether we’re kicking rocks in the desert, hacking vines out of the way in the jungle, or fencing verbally with company executives in the boardroom, there’s a lot to do, and it’s always interesting. 

Join us, and enjoy the ride with us.

Do you have a Lifetime deal?

No. Traditional Lifetime offers pull a couple years of revenue forward and append a so-called “maintenance” fee which is still a recurring subscription cost. We prefer to earn our customers’ business, and are highly confident we can do so year after year.

However, as long as any client stays subscribed, we pledge not to increase their subscription rates in the future. We believe we are facing a prolonged period of higher inflation rates. That means that a subscription that never increases results in a declining real cost over time. In a hyperinflationary scenario, our pledge to never increase prices for those who renew amounts to an almost free lifetime subscription.

Be that as it may, we think we should have to continue earning our renewals. Clients should never be taken for granted. Results must matter. That’s how we want to do business.

Recommend stocks?

Financial publishers can give their readers investment ideas as long as they don’t give people individual investment advice. 

This is not a 100% clearly defined area of US law. 

Our way to stay well clear of any possibility of crossing the line is not to make any investment recommendations at all.

Instead, we tell readers of The Jota Tips what we are investing in and why. 

Those clients can then do the same if they so choose. 

By sharing our actual speculative investments—not a theoretical “model” portfolio, but the actual trades and deals we make—we teach by example. 

Clients who follow our lead can make the same level of returns as we do.

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Jota Tips has certified analysts for stock analysis, seeking high-profit investment opportunities.

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